Keeping Your Dog Safe from Everyday Home Hazards

Popular American journalist and writer John Grogan once said: “It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” At present an estimated 54.4 million households in the USA own at least one dog. While having a canine companion is without a doubt one of life’s greatest blessings it is also an immense responsibility. Apart from providing your dog with a warm place to sleep and adequate amounts of food and fresh drinking water, you also need to ensure that his health and safety is not compromised by any household hazards. When it comes to keeping your dog safe in your home there are a number of things, such as the following, that you can do to ensure that he remains injury-free.

Identify the main culprits

In order to properly protect your pup from common house hazards you need to be able to identify them first. Some of the most common household dangers include things that are so obvious that they are actually often overlooked. Batteries, magnets, and coins can all cause severe medical conditions and even death if ingested by your dog while plastic bags can pose a severe choke and suffocation hazard. Human medicines, as well as those prescribed to your dog, can be deadly as can seemingly harmless-looking vitamin supplements and contraceptives. Even some common houseplants, including elephant ears and spider plants are poisonous and can make your beloved dog very ill should he choose to chew on them like dogs often do. Other common dangers include windows and balconies, household chemicals, beauty products, and a range of human foods that are not suitable for canines.

Dog-proofing your bedroom and living areas

Some dogs are known to chew on everything they can lay their eyes on including shoes, electrical cables, candles, and furniture. While candles generally do not cause severe toxic reactions in dogs it is always best to use non-toxic, soy varieties that are environmentally-friendly and pose an overall reduced risk to both the human and animals in your home. Don’t leave any small items like pins, jewelry, electrical components, money, and small toys lying around and make sure your dog has no access to any closets or dresser that have mothballs in them. If you have a fireplace in your home make sure it has a screen in front of it as more than one curious dog has been injured by burning embers in the past. While keeping certain doors in your house closed is one way of keeping your dogs out of any unsafe areas, you may also want to consider investing in a hidden dog fence and collar system that will effectively restrict your dogs to certain areas in your home.

Dog-proofing your kitchen and bathroom

Once you have identified all the possible threats in your home you can start to dog-proof them systematically. As your kitchen and bathroom often pose the most dangers, there may be a good place to start. Prevent your dogs from eating potentially-dangerous scraps from the garbage bin by investing in one with a magnetic lid. Alternatively, keep it behind closed doors in a cupboard or pantry. Also, make sure all your cleaning products and detergents are locked away far out of reach of your pets. Make sure that you never leave any medication or beauty products including lotions and makeup within dog’s reach on a kitchen counter or bathroom sink, instead of locking it away as you would if you had small children in the house.

It is with very good reason that dogs are known as man’s best friend. All they want in return for their absolute undying love and affection is a safe place to call home.

Photo by Bruno Cervera from Pexels

Story by Sally Writes